When you have dedicated specialists managing your medical billing and revenue cycle, you can expect fewer errors and duplicates and increased payments and revenue.
We utilize advanced software and financial analytics to optimize collections and offer comprehensive insights into your revenue cycle data. In simpler terms, you can rest assured that your cash flows will no longer be a cause for concern.
The credentialing process is critical in the revenue cycle since it establishes the relationship between a provider (such as a doctor) and a payer. This method facilitates the use of insurance cards as a form of payment for Physical Therapy services by both patients and providers.
Using our ERA setup, our Physical Therapy billing team can expedite payments, increase referrals, limit revenue loss, lessen rejections, and pinpoint provider trends.
As a firm specializing in billing physiotherapists, we thoroughly understand the many factors involved in obtaining payment for physiotherapy services. Insurers typically strictly enforce documentation requirements, time limits on treatments, pre-authorization processes, and other billing criteria. Physical therapists may have trouble being reimbursed due to these conditions. DSO Med Plus follows the latest payer regulations and standards to guarantee customer payment. We employ cutting-edge physical therapy medical billing software to ensure timely and accurate insurance claims submission. If you want more effective billing and collections, consider outsourcing your medical billing services to us.